Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Puzzle Time

They glued the puzzle and now its hanging on Dylan's wall.
I am so thankful that Dylan loves spending quality time doing something amazing...hopefully this leads to model cars etc.

Monster Heaven

Veterans Day

Today was a unique
DAY! My Dad told me to include him on the
celebration at Maple Elementary so..I did and to
MY SURPRISE someone joined him...
okay the tears flew.
Today was a unique

Friday, January 7, 2011

Ihop City

Friday mornings, Ryan and I usually take the time that we have alone and enjoy it at our favorite spot-IHOP! I love that place. Fresh coffee and food. Ryan had to work today so unfortuately I have been sitting here struggling....maybe Dylan and I will head that way after I pick him up! Ryan and I have been together for nine years now and fast approaching is our anniversary..NINE YEARS of MARRIAGE! Marriage is hard work! I mean this is the toughest yet most beautiful thing I have experienced in my life. I never told anyone that I loved them, I never even had a long term boyfriend until I met Ryan. Sure you have those highschool crushes that my family constantly brings up, but nothing major since highschool until Ryan! He has shown me what true love is. He loves me no matter what. We have been through some really rough patches and still stayed together-and are even stronger because of it.
I just knew the moment that I met him on a cold wintery night that he was meant for me. I met him working as a cocktail waitress in a local bar...ya...I never even gave one guy up there a chance in hell..for I knew what they all wanted. But for some reason Ryan sat at the bar and never said one word to me. I thought what on earth...this guy in not talking, showing off, being rude, getting drunk like crazy...he is actually having a good time with his brother and friend. I eventually saw him on the floor and made sure that he noticed me. I gave him a couple eye catching hints and soon it was off....he NEVER even left the bar that night until I did!!!! HAHA My shift ended at 4:00am!!! HAHAH.
We had the most chemistry that I had ever seen in a LONG time. People were amazed at my tought process that night! I am serious when I say, I never gave a second thought about any guy in there..and once he hit that seat I knew he was MINE! Weird I know....but ever since we have been togther. January 18th is the day we got married and started to enjoy our lives to the fullest!

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Missing old times!

Ethan Gossip

It's nice to see Ethan making all A's. He is the apple of my eye and I thank God and Ryan for him daily! Ethan has had quite a struggle adjusting to "socialism" within school. He has made many new friends. Michael Hall and his family are awesome! They have become such close friends all three years togther in the same class. Many nights more to come. His teacher this year calls her self an instructor! She is very serious about her job and plans on making this year the most STRUCTURED year that Ethan has ever had. He
is adjusting...many rewards do come his way. Love you teddy bear!

Dylan loves...Mrs. Mitchell

I have to say that I was very nervous about Dylan starting kindergarten. He is so full of energy, and thinking of him sitting at a desk all day would be torture..atleast for him. He managed to go half day-EVEN though we wanted him to go all day. Each day it get's better and better. We love all his classmates! Mrs. Mitchell graduated from Purdue University and this is her first year teaching! If you ask me it's perfect, they are both full of energy!

Birthday Bash

Kian Campbell is turning four and we headed to Chuckie Cheese to celebrate! This was a huge adjustment for I knew deep down that we may not get another birthday with him for quite sometime...they have moved to Texas! We miss them soo so much! I have been going through a lot of ups and downs! I love you Campbell Family!!!!! Jackson and Kian are so very important!

Daddy Power

Updating you on how Ryan is when he is not stressed working or going to school! I love you baby! Boys admire you and all that you do!!!!!

October Bliss

My sister was married October 16, 2010 and I enjoyed every second! Thank you Jess for giving us beautiful memories. Dylan was the "ring dude" as he called it. My parents and I cried and cried...we love you will always be our "baby" My brother and older sister Tammy was also in the wedding and we all tried to keep it together. It was hard to let her grow up after all she is only We love her dearly and I could not ask for a better aunt for my kids!