Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Starting the New Year!!!

I have been looking and looking for a good job that could possibly lead me into a career. It's tough. I have been looking for two weeks now and I am not getting to far,I am not giving up! I hardly ever give up. If there is a will there is a way!
The holidays are over tucked away ready for a fresh start! I love breathing the fresh air winter brings! Watching out the window now wondering if everyone I care about and love is okay! I hope so. I love you all. My blessings are to you all.
I am watching my son grow right into a little boy, Dylan Chris Campbell. He is right at the end of special era and at the break of a whole new world, kindergarten! He is so excited but at the same time scared at what lies ahead of him. He wants to jump as high as he can at times and I see that in him. He wants to challenge the world and the world to challenge him! I find him saying and asking things I never heard out of Ethan our first son, Ryan and I look at each other with so much joy! Not that Ethan does not give us joy, but this joy feels different. I feel like I did a better job with the second child and really gave it my all! He seems more bold and determined! I love you baby boy!
My pride and joy as we call him knows that he is the first and there is a lot of changes riding on his back from day to day and he still remains to have that smile that melts your heart..Ethan. I look at him and wonder how I got so lucky. He is so adorable and loves to be held. I cherish him. Even though these tough little boys drive me crazy, when they are not around I start to get a little shaky. I feel all dark and unhappy and the instant that I see them again, the take all that away in a second! I love you boys!
My goals are as follows. 1. Lose Weight 2. Parenting Class or two 3. Save to take a Summer Vac. 4. JOB and 5. Grow my hair out

I hope that I have strength to follow through with all of this! Wish me Luck!