Sunday, June 6, 2010

Summer has began!!!!!

I love the summer time. It takes me back to when I was a kid growing up in Pittsboro, In. I loved that place...many sweet memories. I could always rely on that old town! I do miss it. Avon I guess is not so bad, we have many changes and lots to do. I am super excited about the Big Lots moving in, can't wait to see what they have.
Both my boys are loving the fresh air and all day hugs/kisses that we share everyday! I hold onto them tightly for I know this precious time will not last. Dylan my youngest is about to turn FIVE years old. I am so excited for the changes he will endure this year but I also look back to the innocent baby he was...I see the curious toddler he was and now, well my goodness all he wants to do is explore. He could stay outside all day if I let him. He loves riding his bike way more than Ethan my oldest ever did. I just know he is going to make great strides this year in who he really is. I love that little boy. Ethan, well he is slowly drifting into another world that seems special to me...he is in love with music. He wants to stop playing sports and make more of his time in music. I am very new to this I never played an instrument and never sang in the choir. I was more softball, volleyball, and swimming! So...we are going to take this one step at a time... but I cannot wait to see where this intrest takes us!!! Goodluck Ethan I know that whatever you do it will be amazing...

Now for Ryan and I. We have been living in a day to day routine and never really have the time for him and I. We need to spend more time as a couple and never ever look back. I know that right now he is sad...

Wednesday, May 5, 2010

Dylan and his adventure

I look at Dylan grow and mature everyday. I see him act so different than his brother, so full of life and wonder. Ethan thinks about his actions, and Dylan just does it. He is the one that takes that extra step and makes a difference...I love you Dylan and Daddy and I are very proud of you.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Learning to move on....

I hope god stands strong in all of our hearts! Ryan we have to stay strong and together!! That is the true meaning of family!

Wednesday, February 17, 2010

A New Decade, A New Beginning

Hello all! Hope everyone is doing well.

Goodbye (20)00's, welcome (20)10's. The past decade has brought many changes in our lives - good and bad. Most importantly our marriage and our children. Both have contributed significantly to making me a better person and I am thankful everyday for my wife and children.

Right now I am in a bit of uncertainty with my career and schooling. My new job hasn't quite worked out the way I had hoped. Very demanding, little reward and I recently found out that I will no longer be in the position that I hired in for, with no clear path of where I'm going. Quite frustrating to say the least. I've discussed my possibilities with Melissa but we haven't really came to an agreement on what I should do. I've got a little bit of time before any changes will come about, but I don't want to wait until the last minute to make a decision. I'm not happy and for the first time in a very long time I don't look forward to going into work every day.

My schooling is becoming much more difficult with the demands of my job. At the end of my work day I am usually completely exhausted and have no drive to open a text book to study. I've been going to school and working full-time for over 5 years and I feel it is starting to take a serious toll on my emotional and physical wellness. Our boys are getting older and at a stage where I feel I need to spend as much time with them as possible - provide the male guidance I rarely had growing up. The guilt of being away from them that I have been able to rationalize in the past has begun to manifest itself into a much heavier burden. I miss them dearly every second I am away. The sleep deprived days from the previous nights of studying has started to wear my body down. I feel as though I cannot get enough sleep on the weekends to compensate from the few hours I squeeze in during the week. I know I am not the most physically fit person and I don't want to be in the Indy Star obit at 40 years old.

Basically, the future that I've put in a lot of time and effort to has become an unknown when I thought everything I was doing was helping to make it more predictable. I don't want a cardboard cutout life but I also need some stability. Not sure what is going to happen in the next few months but as long as I can come home to the same people I know I can handle it.

Take care.

Tuesday, January 12, 2010

Starting the New Year!!!

I have been looking and looking for a good job that could possibly lead me into a career. It's tough. I have been looking for two weeks now and I am not getting to far,I am not giving up! I hardly ever give up. If there is a will there is a way!
The holidays are over tucked away ready for a fresh start! I love breathing the fresh air winter brings! Watching out the window now wondering if everyone I care about and love is okay! I hope so. I love you all. My blessings are to you all.
I am watching my son grow right into a little boy, Dylan Chris Campbell. He is right at the end of special era and at the break of a whole new world, kindergarten! He is so excited but at the same time scared at what lies ahead of him. He wants to jump as high as he can at times and I see that in him. He wants to challenge the world and the world to challenge him! I find him saying and asking things I never heard out of Ethan our first son, Ryan and I look at each other with so much joy! Not that Ethan does not give us joy, but this joy feels different. I feel like I did a better job with the second child and really gave it my all! He seems more bold and determined! I love you baby boy!
My pride and joy as we call him knows that he is the first and there is a lot of changes riding on his back from day to day and he still remains to have that smile that melts your heart..Ethan. I look at him and wonder how I got so lucky. He is so adorable and loves to be held. I cherish him. Even though these tough little boys drive me crazy, when they are not around I start to get a little shaky. I feel all dark and unhappy and the instant that I see them again, the take all that away in a second! I love you boys!
My goals are as follows. 1. Lose Weight 2. Parenting Class or two 3. Save to take a Summer Vac. 4. JOB and 5. Grow my hair out

I hope that I have strength to follow through with all of this! Wish me Luck!